Below our organisation and structure
General Board
The board is responsible for a good organisation, clear responsibilities, communication with members and other stakeholders, and takes care that our union can act as can be expected. We are accountable to the Members Council.
We develop a clear policy and follow the general developments in the field of labour market, collective labour agreement negotiations, works council and individual legal support.
We offer support to our sections and we enhance our communication policy by advices, the development of communication tools and by organizing events. Besides this, we have our membership management.
Members Council
Our Members Council consists of representatives of the several sections and main locations/sites like DSM, SABIC, Delft, Emmen, Sitech and ..... The sections correspond with companies, were a works council is in place and where we negotiate about collective labour agreements. Our members council meets twice a year to discuss with the General Board and formally approve proposals from the Board.
Committee Life Time Benefits and labour agreements
A working party that checks labour agreements on life time benefits, for every generation; benefits that have a relation with each person’s life cycle. This may affect pension conditions or fringe benefits like childcare, extra holiday bonuses sabbatical leave, lease cars, etc. We focus on an optimal balance in each working environment.
Committee Pensions
The Dutch pension system is nowadays changing for all of us: young and old. In this working party several groups meet and discuss the pros and cons of proposals and initiatives that circulate in SER (Economic and Social Council, a governmental advisory board) and Parliament. Besides this, this working party discusses the actual developments in Pension Funds and Insurance Companies where our members belong to. The working party aims at a well-balanced package pension conditions for young as well as for older persons.
Committee Works Council
This working party works on know how sharing, training and coaching of members of works councils and individual members or candidate works council members. We promote strong and experienced works councils and we check agreements laid down the labour agreements with the employers.
Committee Communication
This working party supports members and the board by developing information and communication tools for information, awareness, knowhow exchange, networks and membership recruitment.