When you become a member of Synergo-vhp, we store your personal data (name, address, phone number, email, bank details, date of birth, gender).

Synergo-vhp uses this data to manage your membership, collect fees, for correspondence, to answer questions about your personal situation, and to update you about relevant activities and news.

Strictly confidential personal information resulting from individual advocacy is managed and stored with extra care.

Synergo-vhp has agreements with companies it commissions to process your data, to ensure the security and confidentiality of your data. Synergo-vhp remains responsible for data processing.

New members are referred to the Privacy Statement on the subscription form. They must confirm they they've read it, and give explicit permission for the use of their personal data.

You can ask to see your personal data at any time and have it corrected or deleted. Mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 040 211 6222.


Synergo-vhp will not store your personal data for longer than is strictly necessary to achieve the purposes for which your data is collected.

Your data and information will be used with care, and managed and stored in such a way that it is not accessible to unauthorized persons and third parties.

Synergo-vhp does not sell your information to third parties. We only provide your information to third parties if this is necessary to fulfil our agreement with you, or to comply with a legal obligation.

The text of this Privacy Statement may be changed by Synergo-vhp at any time without prior notice. Changes take effect from the moment of publication on this website.

Eindhoven, 30 May 2018
